China and Indonesia expected to ratify the Maritime Labour Convention this
The new international seafarers' welfare organisation, ISWAN, marked its
official launch at a reception on 17 April in London. ISWAN, which stands
for the International Seafarers Welfare and Assistance Network held a
reception at the Commonwealth Club in London with Ms Cleopatra
Doumbia-Henry, Director of the International Labour Standards Department
of the International Labour Organisation and Mr Jim Fitzpatrick MP, former
UK Minister of Shipping as the guests of honour. Also attending were Mr
Efthymios Mitropoulos, former General Secretary of the IMO, and Mr David
Cockcroft, the General Secretary of the International Transport Workers
Nearly one hundred people attended the reception. Attendees included
shipping companies, unions, and welfare organisations. The audience heard
Ms Doumbia-Henry say that China and Indonesia were expected to ratify the
Maritime Labour Convention this year. She also said that the world
economic system could not operate without seafarers. Ms Doumbia-Henry
congratulated ISWAN on its launch. Mr Hennie La Grange, Acting Chair of
ISWAN, said that the new organisation will promote the ratification and
implementation of the MLC. Other speakers included ISWAN staff member
Chester Quintal who spoke about SeafarerHelp, the 24 hour helpline run by
ISWAN (International Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network)
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