Dear, Mr. Yanto
i am, very intrested with your posting on the 17/04/2013, about job vacancies crewboat, operate in nigeria, my name A. Riyanto. I am Deck Officer Class 3, i included in your proposed qualification experience also have ECDIS.
Only this time, i was still under contract with company NORDIC MARITIME Ltd, and still operate in iran on Supply Utility Vessel. My contract will expire in the month of july, with Mr. Yanto favor i would be ready to join in mid August please give me chance. If necessary i can propose required crew (deck and engine dept for crew). I was waiting for directives hereinafter.
Please contact to.
INA phone +6282111555646,
IRAN phone
Thank you
best regrads
------Original message------
From: Yanto <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 3:12:32 PM GMT-0000
Subject: [pelaut] Urgently Required Master&C/E on Crew Boat
Fyi All,
Below our Update requirement:
1.Master ANT 3 with Crew Boat experience&ECDIS cert is a must.
Duration:2 Month
Type of Vessel:Crew Boat
Trading Area:Nigeria
Date of Join:15.05.2013
2.C/E ATT 4 with Crew Boat & Caterpillar Engine experience
Duration:2 Month
Type of Vessel:Crew Boat
Trading Area:Nigeria
Date of Join:15.05.2013
2.C/E ATT 2 with Crew Boat & Caterpillar Engine experience
Duration:2 Month
Type of Vessel:Crew Boat
Trading Area:Nigeria
Date of Join:05.05.2013
1.All certs and docs should valid and Update.
2.Should have 2 years experience for all position.
3.Only Shortlisted candidate will Notified.
If you are interested please forward your resume to my email or contact number:081331322291.
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