Dynamic Positioning Technical Course
The course is based on International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) guidance, and provides the theoretical and practical knowledge to satisfy the recommendations made in IMCA M 117 The Training and Experience of Key DP Personnel.
The course is tailored to suit DP technical staff (Engineers and Electricians) currently working, or seeking to work on dynamically positioned vessels. The course combines technical detail with practical applications for operational experience. The course focuses on the complete DP system and its subcomponents; basic troubleshooting, maintenance routines, common failure modes and effects; as well as operational and watchkeeping requirements.
By focusing on all components of the DP system (control and sensor systems, power and thrust), rather
than solely on a DP system manufacturer's control system; participants gain a broader knowledge of Dynamic Positioning. This can be transferred to many system manufacturers, vessel types and operations, which can be more readily utilised on a day to day basis.
Course Content
• Operation of DP control systems, vessel sensors and position references and their role, relations, reliance and limitations.
• Concept of redundancy and importance of the complete DP system's component parts; power generation, power distribution, thrusters, power management, DP control system, sensors and communications.
• An understanding of redundancy as applied to the DP system for classes specified by Lloyd's, DNV/NMD , IMO and IMCA guidelines.
• Knowledge of the types of incidents that have occurred including; drift off, drive off, other losses of position caused by operator error, equipment failures or procedural matters, either singly or in
• Maintenance, and troubleshooting of sensors and reference systems.
• Documentation and troubleshooting
• Procedures and documentation for routine DP operations, system documentation and technical incident reporting.
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