Dear All,
Seafarer Indonesia are urgently need candidates for below positions :
1. Cook (all ranks)
2. Kitchen Cleaners
3. Rest. Utility
4. Housekeeping Cleaners
Requirements ;
1. Able to speack English
2. At least a year Hotelier experience or any vessel
3. Age 21 to 30 (except for cook 40 Years of age)
Please send your CV to and interview will be held by Sunday 22nd day time.
Please bring with you copy of CV and original documents while interview.
Note. Free flight tix
Thank you
Best Regards,
Hery Panahara
(Crewing Consultant)
The Seafarer Indonesia
(recruiting,transportation,document services)
Jakarta Office:
Jelambar Barat Raya No.12
Jakarta 11460 - INDONESIA
Phone :+ 62.21.5640575
Fax : + 62.21.5640575
Mobile : + 62.8128.303.2729
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