We are looking for crew as below :
2O USD160/day
3E USD100/day
AB USD 30/day
Oiler USD 30/day
for our AHTS DP2, 10.800 bhp operation Asia, Contract 4 months, Join next week in Singapore
musth have anchor handling experience
English must be good
for officer candidate with DP Certificate will get preference
for all candidate with BOSIET and HUET Certificate will get preference
if you are interest please come to our office at
PT. Menara Suar Maritim
RK/006/E, Apartemen Gading Mediterania Residence
Jalan Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
or you can send by email to yudi@msmaritim.com
Thank you for your attention,
Kind regards
PT. Menara Suar Maritim
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