Ini catatan / aturan dari Australia:
Eyesight Tests for Deck
Certificates of Competency
Schedule One of Sections 2 and 3 of the Uniform Shipping Laws (USL) Code specifies the
standard of eyesight tests required for the issue of all grades of deck Certificates of
Failure to reach the required standards in the eyesight test may exclude a person from being
issued with a deck Certificate of Competency.
Where an applicant fails only the colour vision (24 Plate Ishihara) test as a prerequisite for the
issue of a Certificate of Competency as Coxswain or Certificate of Competency as Master
Class 5/Skipper Grade 3 only, he/she may be issued with a Certificate of Competency
restricted to daylight operations only.
All applicants for the issue of deck Certificates of Competency are therefore strongly urged to
undertake the required eyesight test before undertaking any further commitments or attending
any relevant courses.
Eyesight tests are conducted by Optometrists or Doctors. Eyesight test forms are available
from the Marine Safety Branch. The completed form must be returned to the Marine Safety
1. Applicants must pass an eyesight test prior to the issue of a Certificate of Competency
and Temporary Permit to Serve.
2. For Temporary Permit holders of inland waters and sheltered waters (pearling vessels
only), eyesight tests are valid for 5 years. For all other Temporary Permits and
Certificates of Competency they are valid for 2 years only.
3. Depending on the results of an eyesight test, Certificates of Competency/Temporary
Permits may be endorsed as follows:
(A) Glasses/contact lenses used to pass both the letter (distance) and N5 (reading) tests:-
'Corrective aids to vision for distance and near vision deficiencies must be worn when
performing watch keeping duties';
(B) Glasses/contact lenses used to pass the letter (distance) test:-
'Corrective aids to vision for distance vision deficiencies must be worn when performing
watch keeping duties'; Pg 2
(C) Glasses/contact lenses used to pass the N5 (reading) test:-
'Corrective aids to vision for near vision deficiencies must be worn when performing
watch keeping duties';
(D) Glasses/contact lenses used to pass the letter (distance) test after failure to meet
required standard without aids to vision: ie; (6/30 or better in each eye), in addition to (B)
above, the certificate will be endorsed:
'Two (2) pairs of aids to vision to be carried on board at all times'.
Note: Applicants with one eye or poor vision in one eye are required to undertake a practical
assessment of their ability to keep a navigation watch. A practical assessment form can be
obtained from the Marine Safety Branch.
---In, <> wrote:
Yg jelas itu. Jangan mata keranjang, mata duitan, bro. Kalo kaca mata rasanya wajar2 aja, yg pentng msh bisa melihat,
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Vodafone
-----Original Message-----
From: Sender: Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 21:13:28
To: <>
Reply-To: Subject: [pelaut] KACAMATA
Mohon Saran dan MasukkanNya...
Di semua perusahaan lokal or internasional apakah boleh seorang mualim menggunakan kacamata minus or plus untuk perwira deck?alasan diperbolehkanNya karena apa?dan tidak diperbolehkannya karena apa?
Mohon masukkannya...
Terima Kasih..
Sent from my BlackBerry®
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