Pada Rabu, 4 Desember 2013 16:49, "" <> menulis:
Baca dulu tulisan JOB CODE.
Maksudnya bkn AB yg punya sertifikat DP.
Tapi maksudnya dicari AB utk kapal AHTS DP 2 dan operasinya di Abu Dhabi.
Dikirim dari ponsel cerdas BlackBerry 10 saya.
Dari: Adhy Kamaruddin
Terkirim: Rabu, 04 Desember 2013 15:41 PM
Balas Ke:
Perihal: Bls: [pelaut] Job code : AB - DP 2/ Abu Dhabi - Urgent
wani piro pak?
Pada Selasa, 3 Desember 2013 1:25, timur pradopo <> menulis:
Mantap iklanya " AB DP"
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: Rlineindo Crewdept <>;
To: <>;
Subject: [pelaut] Job code : AB - DP 2/ Abu Dhabi - Urgent
Sent: Tue, Nov 26, 2013 1:28:25 PM
Job code : AB - DP2/Abu Dhabi, 14 weeks, USD 800/month, English and exp in AHTS vessel, valid travel doc.. Pls email to : and WITH JOB CODE... or send sms to 0821 21 5055 20 ( pls mention your name, position and email address...only shortlisted candidate would be notified...
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