Security-related training fears
Dec 20 2013
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has raised concerns with governments about preparations worldwide for issuing tens of thousands of seafarers with new certificates for security-related training by 1st January, 2014.
This is a requirement of the 2010 amendments to the IMO Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW 2010).
In a written submission to IMO, ICS has suggested that member states might give consideration to the possibility of an extended 'grace period' with respect to Port State Control (PSC) enforcement of the new certification required under STCW 2010.
STCW 2010, Regulation VI/6, stipulates mandatory minimum requirements for security-related instruction for all seafarers, which, where relevant - such as for Ship Security Officers (SSOs) as defined by the ISPS Code - requires certificates of proficiency to be issued by administrations to seafarers from the beginning of next year.
Since the amendments were adopted, ICS said that it had gone to great lengths to advise shipping companies of the transitional measures for these new requirements, which are different to those concerning the transitional measures that apply to other changes introduced by STCW 2010 and which are being phased in between now and 2017.
The Chamber said that it is concerned that any certification that STCW requires governments to issue might not be fully in place by the deadline and that ships could potentially encounter difficulties during PSC inspections.
ICS secretary general, Peter Hinchliffe, explained; "We understand that the training and familiarisation required by STCW 2010 has only just recently been approved by some maritime administrations, while others may not yet even have these arrangements in place. This could present serious difficulties for companies that need to ensure that the seafarers they employ are trained and certificated as required by STCW 2010.
"For the most part this is really just a technicality, since most existing seafarers have already undergone necessary levels of training and instruction as required by the ISPS Code. Given that certification is entirely a government responsibility we think that a short delay in PSC enforcement can be justified," he said.
The ICS submission to IMO, suggesting the possibility of an extended 'grace period', has been made to the first session of the new IMO sub-committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW), which supersedes the STW sub-committee within the new IMO committee structure.
The HTW sub-committee will meet during the week of 17th February.
fm tanker operator ============
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